
Our Mission

Residents for a Smoke Free McLean Gardens is a grassroots community group that works to protect residents and their property from the harmful effects of second hand smoke.

Our work and advocacy includes:

  • Ensuring that residents are aware of their rights and procedures in dealing with secondhand smoke
  • Protecting and promoting the health equity of residents
  • Safeguarding our homes from property damage caused by smoking
  • Preserving the value of our homes in the marketplace

Our Vision

We envision a community that is 100% smoke free


A Smoke Free Task Force was formally created by the Board during the 1/28/15 meeting as a subcommittee of the board to "research avenues of achieving a smoke free McLean Gardens policy that might be accomplished without amending our existing by-laws". In January of 2017, the Task Force transitioned to a community based group no longer affiliated with the Board.

Accomplishments as a Board Task Force

2015 – Revised Policy Resolution 15 (no smoking in the common areas) to include a definition of smoking and include e-cigarettes, hookah pipes and marijuana.

2015 – Revised and updated the letter to residents who are potentially in violation of General Rule 13 of the By-laws.

2016 – Created a Memo on Current Smoking Rules, Regulations, and Enforcement (circulated January 2017).

Purpose & Function of the Residents for a Smoke Free McLean Gardens

Our ultimate goal is to facilitate a by-laws change that ensures McLean Gardens is a smoke free community, meaning residents and renters are not allowed to smoke in their units to protect public health.

Agenda for 2017-2018

  1. Poll McLean Gardens Community on attitudes and beliefs related to second hand smoke.
  2. Creation of a new rule mandating a no smoking clause in rental contracts.
  3. Creation of community appropriate "no smoking" signage near benches and other common areas.
  4. Work with the management company to create a documented pathway to log, take action on, and seek resolution on smoking complaints.